Okay so i tend to worry a lot and maybe complain a lot (so people say) and can be a bit of a pessimist (although i have gotten SO much better about that) sometimes. On one of my usual strolls through the blogs i wander on i read a post about someone who is taking a vow to stop complaining, nagging and being a glass half empty type of person in general. Sounded good to me. SO what do you all think? Can you forgo all of that? It's amazing, i have been a lot more aware of the things i say and do and even think and cannot believe how much of it is crap thinking. I dont want to be a pessimist. I dont want to complain about stuff all the time and i dont want to nag...I promise myself to be better about all of that. And to all of my smart aleck friends out there who feel they need to remind me if i DO complain, kindly keep it to your self because then you too would be guilty of nagging, lol....just a thought. Gimee some feedback, if you want, that wasnt nagging, lol....oh my gosh here we go, lol.