Sunday, March 2, 2008

IMT and IF- Leap

I haven't posted anything on Inspire Me Thursday in a while...and this is my first submission to Illustration Friday, but i wanted to for this prompt. I am not super thrilled with my artwork on this but you get the point of it, at least i hope you do. This is how i feel most of the time concerning my art, my life, just about everything i do lately feels big, like i am taking a giant leap of faith, or just jumping off a cliff, either one...
I realize that i have to take these leaps to get where i want to be though...just putting myself and my artwork out there for people to see is huge. Huge for me. I am leaping into this headfirst, eyes closed and heart wide open for all the goodness that is to come....


Charlie said...

It's so sweet. I love your interpretation of this weeks challenge.

Unknown said...

What a cool approach, the time before the leap. C'est jolie!

Leah said...

what a lovely piece! and yes, we all need to keep taking those leaps!

MyArtInProgress said...

I really like your blog. Its nice to hear that I'm not the only artist who feels like they are taking blind leaps with their artwork.

Tangled Stitch said...

I love your work it is lovely and I so understand taking a leap. I have had an awful time just taking baby steps lately never mind a whole leap!Good luck and keep leaping!

MyArtInProgress said...

thanks for giving me those links. I will go check those out now :) Hope to see you post again soon.

wjcatnip said...

Ah, the leap...every day is another one, some days they are bigger than others. And yes, we all have to keep taking those leaps! - Wendy

Carolyn said...

Oh I so know what you mean! Sometimes I can barely manage a "hop", much less a "leap"! But you gotta believe!
Great post!

Jessica said...

Just came across your blog. This piece is both beautiful, thought provoking, and relateable. I love it. :)

Jessica said...

I've been thinking about this one. :)Are you going to be selling prints, or was this just a personal piece?


Laura said...

I know just how you feel and Im so glad you leapt! I have enjoyed looking at your artwork and hope to see more. Keep creative x

LINDSAY said...

I feel ya girl! Keep climbing, keep leaping :)