Saturday, April 5, 2008

So these are my two latest...i am in love with winged hearts, have been for years. I have one of my very early pieces hanging over my fireplace, and it is a huge heart with collaged wings...a couple of weeks ago i was inspired to try it again. My first winged heart is listed on Etsy right now..this one is my second will hopefully list it next week sometime. But of course if you are interested, just email me :)
The other is another collage work entitled 'I will not be silenced". It means so many things to me, and might mean something different to you. Either way i hope it speaks to you...God Bless and Have a beautiful day.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Hi Lina, thanks for stopping by my blog today. The watercolor crayons are fun and so easy to work with. You can get small sets of them to start with at Hobby Lobby or other art stores. I adore your collages. Your work is wonderful!