Friday, June 29, 2007

*no snappy title*

I can't think of a good title for today's entry really. I am feeling kind of blah, maybe i am just tired. I think i am getting too old for staying out until almost one am...although i was staying out until much later than that just a few months ago. I guess i am questioning my place in the whole scene i have been such a big part of for so long now. I know for sure that things don't fall apart if i am not there, and that there are always singers lurking out there...i dont need to save the day (not that i ever really did, lol). I dont know, maybe the weather (dreary and rainy) is putting me in a mood.

Yesterday was the first day in about 2 weeks that i didnt pick up a paintbrush or sketch pad...i guess i was needing a break and today as i sit here typing i feel the urge to sketch out my feelings and put a face to the melancholy. Other than my own of course. I am hoping to get my Etsy shop open this weekend...I am not too nervous about that. I do think though- Hmm what if no one looks at my work, nevermind buy a piece? LOL, that would so not be funny....I do have delusions that someone will love all the pieces though and then commission me to make 50 more JUST FOR i know i have gone off the deep end...Anyway here's my latest....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

*New Paintings...*

I have some new ones finished...i seem to be going more in the Pulp art direction now,lol...guess i am still finding my own style...I am going to be listing on Etsy hopefully this weekend...i need to figure out how to make a banner and how much to price these at......ugh...maybe wont be done till next weekend, lol...

Kelly Clarkson and other goodies....

Oh here is a self portrait in my environment....i saw it on Kelly Rae's site and thought it was interesting so i thought "why not..."

Okay so maybe i am a little bit more excited about the Kelly clarkson album (My December) than i should be....but forgive me. I LOVE her, her music, her passion, her talent....always have...this one might be the best yet...So far my favorite song on the album is "Sober". I have been listening to it all morning....

Anyway i finished another painting last night. More on the pulp art front, different from the others i have done. Very excited, i am proud of it...

On a different note, i have to say that a certain friend of mine (Pammo) brought me to tears last night with a beautiful email. I cannot even express the love and absolute awe at what she wrote to me last made me cry with happiness....something i haven't done in a very long time. Thank you my dear dear you.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

*What I've been doing...*

Okay so here is what i have been doing for the past 2 weeks, lol....These are only the ones i am letting you see!! I have issues with showing what i consider to be total crap, but these i am satisfied with...I must say that i am delighted with the beachy looking one..She is my favorite...Working on another piece as we speak, got sidetracked cleaning out my studio yesterday for about 8 HOURS!!!! Anyway look for my Etsy shop soon...probably at least another 2 to 3 weeks....Thanks for looking everyone!!!! Kisses!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007


dont usually show stuff before it is done, but i thought what the heck....This is part of a group i am working on lately. The first one called Hope has already been given away and unfortunately i didnt scan it really well so i cant show it but i was really proud of it. This is my third "keeper" as i call the ones that i think will be good enough to sell. THe others just go into a pile for me to figure out what to do with them, cause they are really just crap.
The weekend started out promising....then kind of fizzled out in a weird way. Almost like i wasnt even here and its days like that that make me wonder why i am? I didnt have a super day...kinda feeling bogged down by things that are supposed to get done but never do and feeling useless to kind of change things on my own....i cant do it all....i am rambling...gonna go to bed.

Monday, June 11, 2007

*my prayer in the ceiling)

When i was about 8 or 9 years old ( could have been younger i dont ) i was so consumed with a love of art. I used to draw and color and hole up in the safety of my room and imagine a different life on paper. I saw an episode of Little House on the Prairie. The one where Laura goes to the mountain to get as close to God as she can so that she can ask him to save her little brother...Well...i figured i couldnt get to a mountain, but (i am such a dork) at that age the ceiling in the basement seemed like a good alternative...i wrote a note...something to the effect of
"Dear God,
Please let me be an artist when i grow up.
Thank you.
Love Lina"
I got up on a chair, and put the folded up note up into one of the drop ceiling tiles. I figured God would get it. I know now that i didnt need to write a note, he heard me and he did what i cool is that.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Pretty Picture

This is the best shot i got from Ila and Sal's makes my heart melt. I feathered them out and left the background in color and changed them to black and it...and love you guys too....