Monday, June 11, 2007

*my prayer in the ceiling)

When i was about 8 or 9 years old ( could have been younger i dont ) i was so consumed with a love of art. I used to draw and color and hole up in the safety of my room and imagine a different life on paper. I saw an episode of Little House on the Prairie. The one where Laura goes to the mountain to get as close to God as she can so that she can ask him to save her little brother...Well...i figured i couldnt get to a mountain, but (i am such a dork) at that age the ceiling in the basement seemed like a good alternative...i wrote a note...something to the effect of
"Dear God,
Please let me be an artist when i grow up.
Thank you.
Love Lina"
I got up on a chair, and put the folded up note up into one of the drop ceiling tiles. I figured God would get it. I know now that i didnt need to write a note, he heard me and he did what i cool is that.

1 comment:

Joni . . . said...

That was a great story, one that I will always remember. As for the artist, you are tops! You are great at putting things together, decorating, colors, scrapbooking etc.
We must do a craft together soon.
Love, Joni... xoxoxo