Friday, June 29, 2007

*no snappy title*

I can't think of a good title for today's entry really. I am feeling kind of blah, maybe i am just tired. I think i am getting too old for staying out until almost one am...although i was staying out until much later than that just a few months ago. I guess i am questioning my place in the whole scene i have been such a big part of for so long now. I know for sure that things don't fall apart if i am not there, and that there are always singers lurking out there...i dont need to save the day (not that i ever really did, lol). I dont know, maybe the weather (dreary and rainy) is putting me in a mood.

Yesterday was the first day in about 2 weeks that i didnt pick up a paintbrush or sketch pad...i guess i was needing a break and today as i sit here typing i feel the urge to sketch out my feelings and put a face to the melancholy. Other than my own of course. I am hoping to get my Etsy shop open this weekend...I am not too nervous about that. I do think though- Hmm what if no one looks at my work, nevermind buy a piece? LOL, that would so not be funny....I do have delusions that someone will love all the pieces though and then commission me to make 50 more JUST FOR i know i have gone off the deep end...Anyway here's my latest....


Jenn said...

OK so I know that I said you paintings are awesome...But I have to tell you, they are even better live! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kerry said...

your art is beautiful!

Kim said...

Love visiting your Blog -and btw "no snappy title" is a snappy title!!!
& Look at you with Ribbons in your hair - tres chic!
So you Karaoke Queen, staying out late and creating all day - how do I find you on Etsy?

Kelly said...

Hey Lina,
Just got back from vacation. You have been very very busy. Love the new pictures I can't wait to see them in person. We have missed you guys and btw you have a HUGE HUGE place where your at and don't you ever doubt it. Just becasue we don't see it doe'snt mean that some small thing we've said or a smile however faint it might have been did'nt impact someones life.


Chef Brian said...

Hey Lina, Great blog! I can relate to the whole tired thing. More to come, Brian